Executive Board Members
Ms. Kesha Hill is a 1998 graduate of Savannah State University.
As president, she presides over all chapter meetings, appoints the parliamentarian and all standing committee chairpersons, subject to the approval of the chapter's Executive Committee. She is also an Ex-officio member of all committees without the right to vote.
As the corresponding secretary, she keeps an accurate alphabetical list of the active members, notifies each member from said list when he/she is to serve as host and/or hostess of the chapter, forward the annual dues to the Director of Alumni Affairs and the SSUNAA National Liaison, in general, conduct the correspondence of the chapter. He/she shall also assist the recording secretary in all official matters of the organization and carries out the duty of the recording secretary in his/her absence.
As the chapter's financial secretary, she keeps a record of all dues-paying members, collects dues and all other monies for the chapter, and turns over all collected monies to the treasurer. She is responsible for giving an accurate record to the treasurer and keeping a duplicate copy for the record and will report on the status of the paid-up membership at regular intervals and/or at the request of a roll call.
As chapter treasurer, she pays all bills submitted by vouchers signed by the chapter president, the person submitting the voucher, and the treasurer. She also keeps an itemized account of all receipts and disbursements, and present a written report at each chapter meeting of the transactions of the proceeding month.
Appointed Officers
As Public Relations Officer, he maintains sound and productive relations with the Savannah State University National Alumni Association and the public at large and instills in each member of the organization that it is their duty to assist in maintaining a certain esprit de corps.
Chapter Committee Chairpersons
The Auditing Committee shall examine the books of the Treasurer and the Financial Secretary and report is findings to the body at the annual meeting.
The Activity Committee shall recommend subjects of study, and when approved by the body, prepare a calendar for such events and complete all necessary arrangements for carrying out the same.
The Budget Committee shall submit to the chapter for approval, a budget for the fiscal year, shall direct the time and manner of paying dues and assessments, and make recommendations for solving the financial problems of the chapter.
The Constitution and By-Laws committee makes an annual review of the chapter's Constitution and By-Laws and reports its findings annually.